We look back at every semester in amazement over the incredible lineup of #DreamSpeakers who volunteer their time and energy to connect with DreamWakers’ classrooms across the country. This spring has been no exception! We hosted a diverse lineup of career all-stars who introduced students to their respective industries, which included a wide variety of jobs in fields ranging from journalism, astronomy, music, public service, design, finance, athletics, and more.
Additionally, DreamWakers’ partnerships played a starring role this spring in our ability to serve more students than ever before. We are always excited to team up with like-minded companies and organizations whose resources help to amplify and expand our mission. For example, this spring we hosted flashchats with White House historian Matthew Costello courtesy of the White House Historical Association, Olympic medalist Hyleas Fountain thanks to our collaboration with Athletes for Hope, foreign service officer Dan Mehring on behalf of the U.S. State Department Office of Public Affairs, and broadway music director Alvin Hough Jr. thanks to our friends at the Ron Brown Scholars Program.
Looking back at some of the connections made between our #DreamSpeakers and students, a few highlights come to mind:
- Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Foreign Service Officer Roya Ellis brought current events alive for students by discussing their experience traveling the world, working in government, and representing the U.S. at home and abroad.
- Students got a tour of the universe with astronomers Harriet Breetle and Arianna Brown, explored the tools researchers use in a biochemistry lab with PhD student Annica Harriot, and learned about the importance of protecting our oceans with Chief of Staff at Conservation International Laura Katz.
- Presidential historian Stephen Knott gave students an idea of what life was like for the founding fathers, architect Josh Foster explained how he translated a childhood love of building models into a career, and game designer Jonathan Ying gave students a sneak peek at some of his new board games before they hit the stores.
- Entrepreneur and co-founder of Priceline.com Jeff Hoffman discussed the excitement of creating a career you love, retail merchandiser Meg Donovan talked about the creative process involved in bringing a new item to market, and founder and CEO of Squeaky Wheel Media Anthony del Monte encouraged students to celebrate each-other’s strengths.
- Students journeyed to different countries with travel writer Candace Reardon, got the inside scoop on covering breaking news headlines with anchor Julian Sadur and White House Correspondent Yasmeen Alamiri, and learned about connecting the science and entertainment industries with Ann Merchant, Deputy Executive Director for Communications at National Academy of Sciences.
We’re looking forward to continuing the flashchat fun with our summer programming. Be sure to follow along with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!