DreamWakers is now part of Backrs! Learn more about this exciting transition.

Helping students see what they can be.

Connecting Classrooms to Careers

DreamWakers partners with 4th- to 12th-grade classrooms at rural and systemically under-resourced schools and educational programming nationwide to provide virtual connection with role models from diverse backgrounds, identities, and perspectives beyond their city limits. DreamWakers brings classroom lessons to life, inspiring the next generation of leaders to envision and prepare for their own future.

Our Impact

Schools & Programs
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Get Involved

There are a number of ways to get involved with DreamWakers, join us to help students see what they can be.

Classroom having Flashchat

Ready to connect your classroom with the real-world?

Become a DreamEducator!

Speaker talking to students

Want to change the world on your lunch break?

Become a DreamSpeaker.

Want to expose students to careers in your industry?

Become a DreamPartner.
